Section Legend
Program Goal
Result Areas
Change Pathways

Increase the resilience of chronically vulnerable Somali people, households, communities and systems to climatic shocks and other related risks in targeted pastoral, agro-pastoral, peri-urban and urban livelihood zones by 2029

Key Result Areas

Key Result Area Filters




  • Absorptive

  • Humanitarian
  • Peace

  • Response
  • Early Recovery

Key Result Area




  • Adaptive

  • Development
  • Peace

  • Early Recovery

Key Result Area




  • Adaptive

  • Development
  • Peace

  • Mid-term Recovery

Key Result Area




  • Transformative

  • Development
  • Peace

  • Development

Key Result Area (ALL)


Click to Reset Filters


  • Absorptive, Adaptive &
  • Transformative

  • Humanitarian, Development &
  • Peace

  • Response, Early Recovery &
  • Development
Disaster Risk Management
Shock Responsive Safety Nets
Crisis Modifier Contingency Fund to support early action (Pool resources to support early action to protect resilience gains and promote early recovery in SomReP locations)
Unconditional cash to support poorest/MPPC
Emergency Water trucking
Emergency livestock intervention
Emergency de-stocking
NFI Distribution
Cash for Work
Contigency Fund
Social Networks
Savings Mechanisms established using a Private Service Provider approach
Climate risks vulnerbility assessment (GCVCA)
Community based hazard mapping
Inclusive Community led DRR Planning
Community Action and Adaptation Plans
Effective disaster risk management Contingency plans
Village Development committee
Early Warning and Action Committee
Early Warning Systems - Advisories and Alerts
Timely weather and climate information
Peace building committees
NRM and Resource Allocation Strategies
Rehabilitated natural resource assets
Water ways rehabilitation for flood protection
Disaster emergency response & coordination mechanisms
Capacity building to all key stakeholder - Gov and the other partners.
Link CAAPs to district and regional plans (Awareness raising with government and NGOs)
facilitate good practive learning and Reflection
Prioritization of Infrastructure Development Projects to be co-financed
Financial Instruments
Innovative community based Co-finanacing mechnisms
Diaspora Co funding
Organise National and Internation fundraising events
Link up communities to the pravite financial institutions
Developing and disseminating promotional material highlighting Infrastructural development plans
Grant based Co Funding
Awareness raising, campaigns targeting diaspora, potential funding mapping
Sustainable Livelihood Systems
Sustainable Water Systems
Multi-Use community based water systems
Cash for Work
CWCs (management of water resource to ensure sustainble supply - revenue from water, allocation of collective responsibility for sustainability)
Innnovation for sustainable water supply
Assessments to determine demand to support food security and economic growth strategies
Analysis of risk factors, socio-economic and environmental implications
Organize and train water management committees.
Establish strategic water points that align with community grazing plans to improve adaptation of grazing plans.
Using a water catchment approach establish water dams, subsurface water dams, and sand dams that align with macro-and micro water catchments to reduce surface run-offs and soil erosion.
Introduce water harvesting techniques to improve water infiltration ( earth bands, water harvesting bonds, Zai pits, stone bands) to raise the water. contour bands,
Construct/rehabilitate multi-use water infrastructures.
Construct rainwater harvesting infrastructures.
Organize and train water management committees.
Provide and promote the use of solar and solar-powered subsurface pumps.
Construction of water and soil conservation structures in degraded rangelands. 1.Facilitate the establishment of communal land grazing plans to provide time for regeneration and ecosystem health. 2. Cross pollinates modern ways of open grazing system by liking existing or created community or social networks to Bizra farm.
Promote water treatment techniques like desalination and chlorination to improve water quality
Organize and train water management committees.
Reseeding of degraded range land with drought and disease-resistant varieties of grasse
Support the government in developing and implementing NRM-related policies and regulations.
Participatory processes for the establishment and strengthening of community-based groups (NRM committees)
Organise communities and strengthen community governance structures and systems
Creation and supporting NRM clubs in schools.
Promote Exchange programs for groups to improve adoption and NRM techniques.
Train natural resource management practices
Using participatory approaches develop grazing plans for the community
Improve community awareness of the effect of land degradation and climate change through community gatherings, radios, and awareness caravans.
Train communities on FMNR Techniques
Establish FMNR sites
Support the establishment of community nurseries to propagate endangered endogenous tress
Support research institutions to domesticate wild fruit tress for agro-forestry
Improve blue economy carbon sink through rehabilitating mangrove forests in the cost of Somaliland and Puntland
Climate change and reforestation
Community engagement and awareness creation and educating the communities on climate change
Community-operated nurseries establishments.
Promote clean and renewable energy use to reduce indoor pollution and reliance on biomass fuel.
Promote efficient stoves and the production and distribution of energy-saving stoves.
Train communities on techniques for producing energy-saving stoves.
Partnership with cooking gas suppliers for subsidised cooking gas
Support developing and implementing climate change-related policies and regulatory frameworks.
Promote technologies that contribute to energy conservation by promoting last-mile distribution channels of energy-efficient stoves and solar-based energy sources
Promote environmentally sound development energy sources by partnering with energy-based start-ups to subsidise their product to reach more poor clients in rural areas.
Raise awareness through organising market days and events to showcase environment-friendly energy sources.
Conduct a Gendered climate change assessment to inform the program's design.
Identify social networks to support the assessment of climate change effects on
Promote efficient stoves and the production and distribution of energy-saving stoves.
Inclusive Livelihood Systems
Training of village/field agents
Financial inclusion forums/Awareness campaigns
PSPs model
Loan revolving funds
District bank commitees/DBCs
Credit guarantee fund
Business grants to economic groups
Institutional capacity assessment and building for banks/MFIs
Linkage to Microfinance/banks
Governance training for economic groups
Climate Smart Agriculture practices and techniques (application of drought-resistant/ climate change mitigation techniques at scale)
Farmer field schools
Analysis of post-harvest loss reduction, disease control, processing and value-added, storage
Climate Smart Agriculture practices and techniques (application of drought-resistant/ climate change mitigation techniques at scale)
Post harvest management
Partnerships for agricultural research
CfW for additional land clearance
Seeds and Tools Provision
Livestock Productivity
Support pastoral and agro-pastoral household with animal health service through private sector lead approach
Establish digital service provision systems to improve accesss to animal health service and link pastoral household to private service provider
Estabilish Electronic livestock disease surviellance system to improve disease control
Train commercial diary farmers on good animal husbandry practices
Provide technical assistance to commercial diary farmers and support them develop herd health programs
Establish and support communal breeding center to improve herd productivity and marketability
Establish, Support and strengthen livestock market information
Estabilish cold chain networks for vaccine distribution in regional cities to improve quality of vaccines and improve access to commercial vaccine by pastoralist and agro-pastoralist.
Improve institutional diagnostic capabilities by supporting and Establishing research and reference laboratories at Somali national university.
Train fodder producers on fodder production techniques.
Support fodder producers with harvesting and balling machines.
Establish strategic fodder banks and storage facilities close to marekts for fodder agregators to improve fodder marketing
Train fodder producers on fodder preservation techniques to improve the quality of fodder.
Provide climate-smart irrigation technologies to fodder producers
Stimulate animal feed production and marketing by encouraging the establishment of medium-sized animal feed processing plants through grants and co-investment.
Establish and equip a modern animal nutrition laboratory at Somali national university to support animal feed production and marketing.
Form milk traders business groups or associations
Train women milk traders on milk handling and hygiene practices to reduce the spread of public health infections.
Provide milk cans and shade to improve milk quality
Support and equip the milk collection centre with solar panels and solar-powered refrigerators.
Train women milk traders on milk value-addition techniques and provide them with milk processing equipment
support the formation of youth groups in SomRep target districts
Support youth groups to estabilish a youth center to incubate youths with business ideas
Support youth with honey processing and backaging tools
support the youth groups to establish apiaries by providing modern Beehives
Train youth on beekeeping techniques and practices.
train youth on making candles from bees wax products
Diversify household livelihoods by introducing poultry production to women-headed households.
Train women headed households on poultry production
Support the women-headed household with the construction of a backyard poultry house.
Provide a starter stock to women headed household
Support poultry vaccines and drugs to improve productivity.
Support women headed household with initial poultry feed stocks
Formation/Support of Farmer/Livestock marketing associations
Establishment/support of Producer/marketing cooperatives
Market system action plans with marketing associations
Cooperatives capacity assessment/building
B2B forums between producers, private sector players and the govtment
Market information platforms
Provision of business grants to farmer/livestock groups
Labour market assessments & opportunity mapping
Vocational training/Technical education and training
Career pathway, guidance and counselling
Work readiness clinics
Business plan competitions for TVET graduants
Buiness development support and market linkages
TVET start up kits
Institutional capacity assessment for TVETs
Workbased learning opportunities i.e. Apprenticeships and Internships
Labour market information platform
Business mentorship and coaching
Traning needs assessment/TNA
Business skills training
Financial literacy training
MSEs development (Retail business)
Women's Economic Empowerment i.e. gender inclusive business models
Literacy and numeracy skills training
Life Skills training
Governance training for economic groups
ToT training for community trainers to support BDS
Market assesments/Market systems assessments
Business models(Agri, livestock, financial markets - Market systems) e.g. meat, milk, live animals, crops markets
Market systems development training to consortium partners
Private sector partnerships(with market players)
Climate Adaptation
Community Responsive Advocacy
Support the government in developing blueprints and management plans for protected areas.
Facilitate the development of management policies for national range reserves through community-based approaches.
Connect existing social structure (NRM, FMnR, water committee) to government structure and regional systems.
Facilitate community structure and incentivise FMNR champions to spread the FMNR concept in the communities through organizing community forums.
Promote environmentally friendly livelihood options, i.e. apiculture, to improve the environment and increase the pollination capacity of crops and endangered species
Promote customary laws and link to existing government policies to promote the restoration and regeneration of degraded lands
Establish operational linkages between institutional actors to facilitate large-scale adoption of sustainable NRM practices.
Support government institutions to establish protected areas to fill gaps in the protected areas network.
Promote agroforestry through championing the FMNR concept to improve carbon sequestration on wood biomass. To meet basic needs for fuel, wood, timber, fodder and other forest products on a sustained basis
Promote participation in forestry resources development, management and conservation
Governance & Policy
Policy Development (Advocacy)
Technical Capacity Building for Government
Hire and attach relevant expertise to the line ministries of the project
Finance focal points within the line ministry to keep track of the progress of the program
Support the government with state infrastructures for rangeland monitoring within the existing early warning systems
Support the development and implementation strategic plans and validate and approve at different levels of communities in the implementation of the plan
Support the line ministries to develop a five-year Strategic plan providing details on (a) Roles & Responsibilities at National, Regional/District levels and (b) policy development and implementation more generally.
As a capacity transfer, Improve line ministries finance and procure systems, job descriptions, and capacity development planning for staff at all levels. Address gaps in technical expertise and support functions such as procurement, admin and logistics.
Improve Monitoring and Evaluation, Data collection, and Knowledge management of the line ministries
Support the government and advocate for social and environmental reform by developing/updating and implementing Somaliland's National Policy/legal framework on Natural resource management supporting effective natural resource management, and protecting community grazing lands.
Incentives (salaries, per diems, training, petrol, equipment, in kind support)
Resilience Learning Action Network
Co-create partners' capacity improvement journey (OCA+CIP)
Partner capacity tracking (PCS)- Partners update their capacity progress on PCS
Co-design sessions with partners inclusive and participatory tools, resources and approaches
Partner small grants mechanism to implement CDR approaches
Conduct community Level trainings for CDR approaches
Grant management skills training for local partners
Joint learning initiatives to brigde capacities between LNGOs and INGOs
CDR Platform support;
Cross-Learning and knowledge sharing events
Co-create a long term Coaching and mentorship support plan
Identify and engage Subject Matter Expert support
Regular Curriculum review sessions
Curriculum review
Gender Transformative Programming
Training of Trainer
Training of champions for change
Transformative leadership for women's rights- Curriculum development
Transformative leadership for women's rights- Training of trainers
Capacitating Disability networks to lead advocacy initiatives
Monthly coaching of champions
Equity and Inclusive Structural Changes
Incentives for champions
Local Capacities for Peace
Community Voice and Action
Disability inclusive prioritisation in CAAPs
Grants to boost small businesesses for People with Disability
Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR)- Training of trainers on reproductive rights and Menstrual health Management
Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) - Regular provisition of MHM Kits
Gender Assessments including Rapid gender assessments (RGA)
Government capacity building -Training and workshops
Government capacity building -Policy development
Government capacity building -Gender focal points ( incentives,pdm)